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This module provides a command line interface for querying a language model using a LLM and a Faiss index of embeddings containing knowledge. It uses the Llama library to interact with the language model and the Faiss library to create and search the index.


If an index_path is provided, the function loads the Faiss index and searches it for the closest embeddings to the question embedding. It then prompts the user with a message that includes the context of the closest embedding and the original question.


Returns a prompt to request relevant text to answer a given question.


Name Type Description
str str

A string prompt that includes the given context and question, and asks for relevant text.

Source code in src/
def prompt_with_context() -> str:
    Returns a prompt to request relevant text to answer a given question.

        str: A string prompt that includes the given context and question, and asks for relevant text.
    return """
    Use the following portion of a long document to see if any of the text is relevant to answer the question.

    Context: {context}
    Question: {question}
    Provide all relevant text to the question verbatim. If nothing relevant return "I do not know" and stop answering.

query(question=typer.Argument(Ellipsis, help='Question to answer.'), model_path=typer.Argument(Ellipsis, help='Folder containing the model.'), index_path=typer.Argument(None, help='Folder containing the vector store with the embeddings. If none provided, only LLM is used.'))

Ask a question to a Language Model (LLM) using an index of embeddings containing the knowledge.

If no index_path is specified, it will only use the LLM to answer the question. Otherwise, it will use the embeddings in the index_path to find relevant text before prompting for an answer.


Name Type Description Default
question str

The question to answer.

typer.Argument(Ellipsis, help='Question to answer.')
model_path str

The folder containing the LLM model.

typer.Argument(Ellipsis, help='Folder containing the model.')
index_path Optional[Path]

The folder containing the vector store with the embeddings. If none provided,

typer.Argument(None, help='Folder containing the vector store with the embeddings. If none provided, only LLM is used.')


Name Type Description

The response will be printed to the console.

Source code in src/
def query(
    question: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Question to answer."),
    model_path: str = typer.Argument(..., help="Folder containing the model."),
    index_path: Optional[Path] = typer.Argument(
        help="Folder containing the vector store with the embeddings. If "
        "none provided, only LLM is used.",
    Ask a question to a Language Model (LLM) using an index of embeddings containing the knowledge.

    If no `index_path` is specified, it will only use the LLM to answer the question. Otherwise, it will use the
    embeddings in the `index_path` to find relevant text before prompting for an answer.

        question (str): The question to answer.
        model_path (str): The folder containing the LLM model.
        index_path (Optional[Path]): The folder containing the vector store with the embeddings. If none provided,
        only the LLM will be used.

        None: The response will be printed to the console.
    global llama
    if not llama:
        if not model_path:
            raise Exception(
                "You need to specify the model path the first time you ask a question"
        llama = Llama(model_path=model_path, verbose=False, embedding=True)
    if index_path:
        index = FaissIndex()
        embedded_question = np.array([llama.embed(question)])
        context =
        question = prompt_with_context().format(context=context[0], question=question)
    response = llama(prompt=question)["choices"][0]["text"]